Today the Children’s Holiday Exhibition held its Open House for young artists and families. Last year we had a big laugh over how the staff overcame the issue of no miniature marshmallows by cutting large ones into quarters. Well, this year when I walked into the dining area, there was Phil and Chrissie, once again cutting up marshmallows.
The show highlights the work by young students from several schools in County Mayo. (another great contribution of Ballinglen Arts Foundation) The talent behind this show is Nuala Clark, instructor and curator of the exhibition.
After the festivities, I headed back up to my studio to finish up a few works on paper. These are interpretations of Ben Wee Head, along with concepts notes.
Stopped by Healy’s on my way home. Feeling a cold coming on, Padraig fixed me, what we call a “hot tottie”.. Built a fire, made myself a little Christmas tree and hung my new snowflakes from today.