October 26

Philip Guston’s friend, musician Morton Feldman observed that painting was like touching keys on a piano: You can strike softly and go long or strike sharply and go quick (Jackson Pollack and Willem DeKooning were quick; Philip Guston and Mark Rothko were long)

An American composer, Morton Feldman was a major figure in 20th-century classical music, He was a pioneer of indeterminate music, a development associated with the experimental New York School of composers including John Cage.

I banged around on the piano a good part of the day. I am definitely a “ strike sharply and quick” painter,

The top one feels resolved. The 2nd and 3rd ones are what we call “starts” - your first encounter with the paint and the surface. Talk about noise over sound - these are screaming.like babies. I will toned them down when I have more colors in my tool box and more time to ponder. Just more exercises in sketching, memory and painting, (I figured those “tree savers” would eventually creep into a painting.

(note:sketches are 6 x 7 inches -ish; paintings on paper are 15 x 15 inches -ish)

Alexia, the Director here at Cove Park is stopping by tomorrow afternoon to take a peek in my studio Of course, arranging the work on the wall is always enjoyable - the fun part of owning a gallery. I found it hard to refrain from typing labels.

One last note for the day. Rona, a member of the staff has been so helpful to me. (She suggested I ride the train to Oban for the day and take a bottle of Prosecco with me - my kind of gal)

During one of our happy hours, I mentioned I was in search for a pint glass. This afternoon she brought me this pint glass below - from a local beer festival. Although I have one with a nice party dress, this one means so much more since it’s from this area. — and a gift from her.


October 25


October 27