Christie Taylor Christie Taylor

January 14

First day at Centrum. Nice gathering of artists this morning and it was good to learn that we can sleep the whole time if we prefer

My studio is in this building with my car, Minnie parked out front. Centrum is located on the Fort Worden National Park site.

My rental car, Minnie the Mouse sitting out in front of the studio building.

First full day at Centrum, on the site of Fort Worden State Park. A large campus of beautiful white buildings that once housed US Army officers and served as a wall of defense on our Pacific Coast during WWI and WWII. Now several arts related non-profit organizations. use the facilities as well as two museums and a campground.. Port Townsend (WA) is a few miles down the road - a cool town with galleries, old movie theatre, bookstores - a big tourist town in the summer,

I am here for two weeks along with several other artists, We had a “meet and greet” this morning - half of us are staying on site, the other half are local artists. It was refreshing to learn from the staff that we can sleep the whole time if we prefer. Good news since my brain is bouncing all over the place. I came prepared to paint and work on my little wall objects if I am lucky to find wood. At my last residency in Ireland, I stumbled on a bag of beautiful kindling which opened up new ideas. Unfortunately, such treasures are not in the US. Everything here is perfectly cut and soaked lighter fluid of some sort, Also, I miss driving on the wrong side of the road. Still feeling like I haven’t left.

But certainly, Centrum has provided me with all I need. It’s up to me. I have a sweet cabin and a studio big enough to hold a dance party for 100 people. Going to spend the first few days walking around with my sketchbook in hand. The beach is right at the end of the road,.

Lost my pencil on the sand earlier in the day. Was delighted to reconnect in the afternoon. She looked like she was searching for me too

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Christie Taylor Christie Taylor

January 15

Walking North Beach. Point Wilson Lighthouse in the distance.

Well, it looks like Ireland. Early morning walk in the fog. This beach on the north side has a cliff shadow that keeps it moody. The beach on the east side has more light. The sand wears a necklace of water soaked logs. Both beaches are a good place to explore – sketching and hunting for little wood. I never approach a residency with a planned agenda.. I prefer to learn from the landscape therefor I will spend my first few days sketching and then see what happens.

East side on Port Townsend Bay sketches today (below) The sun shined all day.

Canadian painter, Thom Thompson is on my mind. He was associated with The Group of Seven —Canadian landscape artists —who were influenced by his wilderness paintings and Post-Impressionism. Thompson had a brief business career in Seattle then returned to Toronto becoming a full time painter in 1913. He also worked as a wilderness guide at Algonquin Park. He drowned mysteriously in Canoe Lake in 1917 and became an iconic figure to fellow painters. Quote: The best I can do does not do the place justice in the way of beauty.

Thom Thompson, Early Spring, 1917

I have a book of his paintings at home and refer to it often. I am always struck by the abstraction, color palette —those highlights of yellow—and clarity of his forms. They meet the mark of beauty for me.


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