January 17

Morning view out my kitchen window. Mt Rainier in the distance

Another clear day was in the forecast, (I haven’t put on my raincoat yet! ) I spent the day in the studio, pondering sketches – what to paint, what not to paint - my usual drill for hesitating, before taking the leap on a blank panel. I have made a nest for myself in the spacious studio. One table for painting, one for working on little sculptures, one for wood that I have collected from a small construction site and beach.

Below are my “starts” — my first paint application based on the two sketches from Second Beach. My goal in these initial marks is to block in the composition and set a tone. ( I tend to listen to jazz pianist, Bill Evans to keep my hand fluid and flowing.) These paintings will change as I change my approach to capture the subject matter but at least……as I said…. a start! And, I am always guided by American Abstract Expressionist painter, Joan Mitchell ‘s quote: I could certainly never mirror Nature. I would like more to paint what it leaves with me..

And part of my day, I spent pondering wood. I find that building my little objects informs my painting.. (Keeps my mind thinking about shape.) I brought this grouping of pine kindling (below) with me, with the thought of trees in the PNW. I will be curious if some of these sticks find new mates along the way,

At the end of the day, I try to get in a walk on the beach or around the campus. The black-tailed deer are always present, morning and night. so wonderful to have them as neighbors.


January 16


January 18