January 19
Down the hill from my cabin stands this splendid Modrona tree. They are known for their bark and their sun searching branches. In many local cultures, such as the Coast Salish tribes, the tree symbolizes resilience and adaptability. It embodies the strength needed to thrive in challenging environments. This particular Sunday morning, it is magical.
Today is my sixth day here at Centrum. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when I became “here not there.” Maybe looking for quarters to wash your clothes or stirring honey in your tea –all of a sudden—you are not a visitor. You start feeling the “history” in the land around you. You start feeling a part of it.
And those sketches start searching to be paintings, like branches searching for the sun.
I have worked on a few paintings (below), trying to push them a little further. I can honestly say, both of these have taken on a life of their own..I don’t recognize them and I am happy about that. I know I am learning something new from the landscape whether these end up “resolved” or not.
. And, look what I found at Safeway. (below) A pure bundle of kindling! (no soaked chemicals) I bought one just to have it in my studio to keep me company. I am also happy to report that I found a great Eddie Bauer flannel shirt at Goodwill (7 bucks!) which will become my new work shirt under my painting apron. And I splurged on this UK used work shirt Ainslie saw hanging in a store window. (more than 7 bucks!)