January 22

Lots of treasures in here.

I hit the jackpot today. A staff member got me permission to take wood “trash” from the Port Townsend Woodworking Center here on the Fort Worden Site. I have been over twice with my paper bag and stuck my head in the can, gathering little treasures. I must admit that these pieces are more formal than my previous material but I see the growth potential. Here is my first one out of the bucket.

Standing Tall / found wood / 11 × 1 × 1 inches

I decided to stay with my “small and mighty” theme. It seems fitting as a push back to all the political turbulence swirling around. I completed two more landmarks on the Pacific Coast of Washington. First, the sketches, then the finished pieces. The small scale of the image, surrounded by the void of space is like a whisper. And a whisper can be more powerful than a shout. I hope these images honor these amazing natural landmarks.


January 21


January 23