Beginning of work week. Took Jeff to the train station – he’s heading to Chicago after a long stay teaching and working here at BAF. Super nice, talented artist. (  He will return next fall to teach a workshop.

 I headed back to Laken Strand in hopes of finding some rocks I photographed and painted last year. (Below) What characters! Reminds me of Philip Guston’s Sea series. 'When you paint things they change into something else, something totally unpredictable.' (Guston quote) Definitely feeling a kindred spirit here. Check out his work.

Here is my favorite rock on the left - in the distance. And here is Guston’s sea stones to the right.


Sun shining, wind and tide both rushing towards the sea. Sat in my car to wait on tide and drew thumbnail sketches from pics on my phone. A daily exercise I hope. Keeps me thinking.

Within the hour, I took the walk over to the beach. Searched for a while but never found my rocks. Not a surprise since winter storms are at play every year. Very meditative to walk through the stones. They seemed like sea mammals at their final resting place.

Back to studio to start a short work week. (Gal pals from Delmarva heading here on Wednesday)  Pinned some work on the wall from the weekend. Now what? Focus on rock formations, paint and monoprints. Just to see what happens.

The idea of returning to small landscapes is not holding my attention. Feeling confined. Here are a few I did this weekend at Bunatrahir Bay:


Artist Stuart Shils told me. Paint sound, not noise. I have been sketching and painting a lot of NOISE since my arrival. BOOM BOOM BOOM. So the more I look, the more I hope to turn off the noise in my head and- more importantly - on the paper.

Evening in the studio. Playing around more with shapes, starting a few panels, then did a few exercises with oil on paper. Totally not working - oil soaked into the paper before I could pull out the lights. Push-ups. Keep looking.


And here is your rainbow - on the way back from Laken Strand. This is getting like daily devotions. HA



