Class time this morning! I have never taught a studio class before but what the heck - I said yes when The Foundation asked me. Have to admit I had fun laying out the paper and scissors. (maybe my Mom was right- I should have gotten my Art Ed Degree)
I had three sessions of five students for 25 minutes each. The plan- do three still life exercises: blind contour ( drawing a continual line on paper, without looking); cut outs in black paper to capture shapes; and then use string as line on black paper, creating a more abstract interpretation. The students were brilliant….a great Irish expression. The “instructors” were treated to lunch by the Foundation. Nice to gather around the table at the Center.
The rain continued for most of the afternoon. Pondered next project. Maybe landscapes on paper? Headed to the library to get inspired. I always pull out the book on William Crozier (Scottish born, Irish artist) whose show I saw last year at IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art) in Dublin. He is a rock guy too. I love everything about this work. The luminosity, color, composition, the transparency of paint. I can feel the water around the rocks. GEEZ. I wish I could see that way.
I am too dense…..HA…meaning…my paint application is flat, opaque - without the glow. Can you tell I am jealous?
William Crozier
Back home, put a chicken in the oven, built a fire and pulled out my book. Evan, one of the artists, loaned me How to Read Water by Tristan Gooley. It’s my trusted companion these days - -helping me learn to see currents, tides in a whole new way. Gives me another layer of love for the edge of the sea.