October 12
Spent some time this morning at the Peaton Hill Conservation Reserve - just up the hill from Cove Park. A nice young man at the Cafe in the village told me to “sit and watch” the birds when I visited. As I meandered through a wooded trail, I found a dozen feeders swinging in the trees.
My Merlin app recorded Clark Nutcrackers…seems appropriate! Look closely to see the feeders! (I tried to send a video but I don’t have that skill set) There’s a sweet bench for enjoying the birds.
OK, so on the way to check my spelling of meander, I came across this curious word below. My computer knows I am in the UK. You have to love this.
In the early afternoon, with sketchbook in hand, I took off on the village road again in search of imagery. After several attempts, I just stood in the road and declared It’s way to bucolic here! The countryside is absolutely beautiful but I can’t find the an edge - ”visually or spiritually.” The landscape feels too formal. In Ireland, the land mourns and the flirting wind whistles when it blows through you. I feel more at home with a little uneasiness.
Before I came over the pond, I was “What’s apping” with Frankie, our driver on the recent trip to County Mayo. He wrote Enjoy Scotland but not too much. Ireland is your country. Enough said.
I turned around and headed back to the center.
While waiting for my grocery delivery, a British nuclear submarine moved through the water below us. The Faslane Naval Base is located here in the Argyll and Bute. (Argyll and Bute is bounded by the urban areas of Helensburgh and Dunoon along the Clyde, Loch Lomond to the East,)The Faslane Peace Camp, a permanent peace camp is sited alongside the Base and has been occupied continuously, in a few different locations, since 12 June 1982.
It’s a reminder to me that not everything is bucolic around here.
Last night, some art ideas starting percolating. I will fill you in tomorrow.