October 9, 2023 Cove Park Residency

Prior to arriving this afternoon at Cove Park. I flew lnto Glasgow Sunday morning then made my way to Helensburgh for my first night. Rather eventful - some trains cancelled due to one of their worst floods in years. My travel experience was a variation of the movie-Planes, trains and automobiles, with a few buses. As I rolled my huge suitcase up and down streets, everyone was so willing to help me find the train derailment” buses. Nice people over here,

Cove Park is located on an outstanding site overlooking Loch Long and the Firth of Clyde, just one hour east of Glasgow, on Scotland’s west coast.Founded in 1999 by Peter and Eileen Jacobs, it is a charity funded by Creative Scotland, by trusts and foundations and by the generosity of individuals. Since 2000, Cove Park has hosted over 1,500 artists. The facilities are wonderful - individual accommodations to a large community building with seating, library and a kitchen. ( and washer and dryers!

I am in company of talented artists from Scotland, England and New Zealand -a dancer, two sound artists, a curator and a writer. And yes, I could be their mother, grandmother?

View from deck at Jacobs Building. (My room and studio are attached to this building)

As far as my intention for the next three weeks -who knows? I was painting more when this opportunity was originally scheduled (Fall of 2020). I plan on exploring/sketching the landscape this first week and then build on any ideas that surface. I brought paper, paints and my writing journal. We will see,

I do hope by being here - around all these inventive folks - my imagery will shift. I really don’t have a lot of choice - there are no rocks.

My studio

I spent the afternoown walking the area, sketching and picking up dried flowers along the way. When I returned, I stuck one in a pile of rocks that had been left by the last artist. The sun broke through the clouds and created this shadow on the wall - an amazing study of line.

And that soft orange against the dark triangle. Ooh la-la! I feel I am off to a good start.


October 10